abcg™ Case Studies
Organisation and Leadership

Senior leaders often find that they are lacking direct and feedback and guidance as they navigate complex organizational issues.
Often, their boss and their peers have not faced the same challenges (or are part of the challenge).
abcg™ constructed a unique engagement that coupled defined project deliverables with capacity to act as sounding board for the senior leaders, leveraging the extensive experience of the abcg™ partner in similar environments.
This has resulted in higher team satisfaction, engagement and effectiveness.

Within the Leadership, Coaching, Personal development and Employee Reflection space, a Swedish based Startup has developed a disruptive tool and surrounding processes helping companies develop into highly efficient organizations.
abcg™ has accelerated the growth of the company by actively working with the CEO/founder of the business as a coach and sounding board.
An abcg™ partner also became non-executive chairman of the board.
During the process of further capitalizing the business, abcg™ engaged in supervising the process and facilitated access to investors in their network.