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The capital goods industry is undergoing radical transformation and significant change.

Are you

keeping up?taking advantage?

Whatever stage of business lifecycle you find yourself in abcg™ can make a difference

We ignite, build or accelerate business transformation programs for the on and off highway commercial vehicle industry, which drive performance from good to exceptional. You will feel and capture value while working with abcg™.

Business <br>Growth


Innovation <br>and Technology

and Technology

Organisation <br>and Leadership

and Leadership

Mergers and <br>Acquisitions

Mergers and

Portfolio <br>Management


Performance Transformations and Turn-arounds

Performance Transformations and Turn-arounds

Introducing the abcg Advantage

Unrivalled experience

Deep industry knowledge

An external 360 perspective

abcg™ provides direct value to the on and off highway commercial vehicle industry with our network of accomplished experts, vast experience and an external, unbiased approach with a hands-on implementation style.

"Great companies foster a productive tension between continuity and change"
Jim Collins

Exclusive access to a global network of accomplished experts

Fresh eyes with an expert external 360 perspective and non-biased agenda will see things differently and may identify fresh solutions to existing problems.

ABCG Partners, Associate Advisors and Specialist Professionals
Global clients Statistics


Years of industry experience


products launched


Engagement with top 15 countries (by GDP)


Cost savings

See the abcg Advantage™ in action


Find out how the abcg Advantage™ accelerates businesses growth

Business Growth

Innovation and Technology

Find out how the abcg Advantage™ drives value through innovation and technology

innovation and technology

Organisation and Leadership

Find out how the abcg Advantage™ shapes organizations and leadership

organisation and leadership

Mergers and Acquisitions

Find out how the abcg Advantage™ supports successful mergers and acquisitions

mergers and acquisitions


Find out how the abcg Advantage™ enhances product portfolios

Portfolio Management

Performance Transformations and turn-arounds

Find out how the abcg Advantage™ ignites performance transformations and business turn-arounds

performance transformation and turn-arounds

Find out how abcg™
can be your Advantage

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